Have you ever struggled to figure out how to best prepare your child for going to a new place?

We found a cool new online resource! Pal Places offers unique support for families and individuals impacted by autism and related intellectual and developmental differences. Their goal is to build a an online site called “Pal Places” that families can review with their child when planning outings for their children. The website provides photos, facts, and guides to community places and they recently added a Newport Beach Restaurant to their line up!

Ultimately, these resources may make a location more accessible and inclusive for all children and their families. Using evidence-based practices, Pal Places has created a resource that could help minimize anxiety, bridge communication gaps, and prepare those with sensory sensitivities. It is a great way to support a child with developmental differences with a trip to the aquarium, and we hope they will add more SoCal venues soon!


Click below to learn more!
